Our Clients
INSPIRE’s Clients Past and Present
UN World Food Programme
GTZ (German Technical Cooperation or Deutsche Gesellschaftfür Technische Zusammenarbeit, now the GIZ, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH)
LHRCH (Lao Human Resources for Community Health) Project sponsored by the University of Calgary, Canada
UNDP (United Nations Development Programme)
WHO (World Health Organisation), USCDC (United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, US Embassy to Lao PDR), NCLE (National Centre for Laboratory and Epidemiology, MoH, Lao PDR)
Oxfam Australia
HI (Handicap International, now Humanity and Inclusion)
EU (Delegation of the European Union to the Lao PDR)
UHS (University of Health Sciences)
UHS FPS (Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, now Faculty of Public Health)
MCNV (Medical Committee Netherlands Vietnam), LEARN (Lao Equity through policy Analysis and Research Networks) programme
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore to the Lao PDR
Vientiane Pattana (International) School
SSO (Social Security Organisation, now the NSSFO – National Social Security Fund Office)
Prime Minister’s Office
Lao National Assembly
UDIN (Upland Development in Nonghet, Xiengkhouang) Project, Helvetas Laos (Swiss NGO)
MMG LXML (Minerals and Metals Group, Lane Xang Minerals Limited) Sepon
UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund)
ALS (Australian Laboratory Services) Minerals Division
IPD, MPI (Investment Promotion Department of the Ministry of Planning and Investment)
CARE International in Khua District, Phongsaly Province
DGRV (Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband, German NGO for cooperatives)
DRDC (Department of Rural Development and Cooperatives)
VDBA (Vocational Development for the Blind Association)
ADWLE (Association for the Development of Women and Legal Education)
LBA and DECA (Lao Biodiversity Association and Development Environment Community Association)
LOMWRU (Lao Oxford Mahosot Wellcome Trust Research Unit) Microbiology Lab project in Mahosot Hospital
5NPlus Lao Industrial Resource Sole Co Ltd (metallurgical and chemicals plant)
LaoTPHI (Lao Tropical and Public Health Institute)
The Singapore Mission School (Kindergarten and Primary)
TPLUS Digital Sole Co
Village Focus International, Land Learning Initiative for Food Security Enhancement (LIFE) project
Institut Pasteur du Laos